Noise screens are designed to reduce the level of acoustic pollution of the environment to standard values. All over the world, they are recognized as the most effective and affordable way to protect against noise, as they are easy to install, durable, reliable and easy to operate.

One of the most effective solutions to the problem of protecting cities and localities from traffic noise is the device of noise protection screens, which are either a collapsible structure consisting of support pillars and an acoustic canvas, represented by a system of horizontal profiles and acoustic panels: noise-absorbing or noise-reflecting.

The place of installation of noise barriers:

Along the roads
Along the railway
Bridge construction
Private construction
Production bases, factories, etc.

Noise screens are divided into:

by type of noise protection:


by light transmission:

with transparent inserts.

Main features:

sound insulation up to 28 dBA for aluminum panels;
sound isolation up to 33 dBA for translucent panels;
sound absorption up to 11 dBA.

Screen dimensions:

width-122 mm
height of translucent-1000 mm
height of opaque-500 mm
length – 2960 mm, 3960 mm, 4,960 mm, 5960 mm.

The structure of the noise shield consists of a series of galvanized steel racks (wide-field I-beams) on foundations installed with a certain step, and between these racks, one on top of the other, noise protection panels are installed.

In addition to the main function of noise protection, noise screens to varying degrees protect passers-by and those living nearby from road dust and dangerous substances, from blinding headlights. If an accident occurs, it protects passers-by from debris. Also, a noise shield can limit the visibility of non-aesthetic landscapes (landfills, industrial zones, railway marshalling yards, etc.) from the road.

For more detailed technical information, please contact the technical Department of Viakon Technologies LLC»

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