Bridge repair will be carried out by a method of «Sleeving» with the use of corrugated metal construction team type MultiPlate MP200 VG4 (Length on the bottom of 23500 mm-length at the top 17760 mm, width of the structure on the inner faces of 1935 mm, height of the structure at the inner faces of 2145 mm, steel Grade S355MC according to EN 10149-2-2009 with yield point not less than 355 MPa, of a bilateral anti-corrosion coating, thickness at least 85 microns, applied by hot-dip galvanizing).
Customer-Bykhov unitary municipal enterprise » Zhilkomkhoz»
г. Минск, ул. Орловская, 40, помещение № 14
Тел. +375-17-335-03-88
факс +375-17-335-03-89